CALL US: 507-257-2011

Bella’s Play & Stay
This Pet Care Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on the date indicated below by and between Bella’s House of Doodles (“ Bella’s”) and the undersigned pet owner (“Owner”), and in regards to their pet(s) left in the care of Bella’s House of Doodles(“Pet(s)”).
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the performance of services by Bella’s and the payment for those services by Owner, Owner and Bella’s hereby agree as follows:
OWNER’S PET(S). Owner hereby represents that:
● Owner has provided accurate and complete information about their Pet(s) to Bella’s.
● Owner is the sole owner of their Pet(s).
● Owner has reviewed and understands Bella’s vaccination policies and the vaccinations they have provided to their Pet(s) satisfies those policies.
● Owner’s Pet(s) have not been exposed to rabies, distemper, canine cough or canine influenza within thirty (30) days prior to their stay at Bella’s.
● Owner’s Pet(s) is/are in good health and free of fleas, ticks and parasites and is/are not aggressive or protective of toys.
● Owner has all required licensure for their Pet(s) and such licensure is current.
● Owner understands their Pet(s) must enter and exit Bella’s on a leash and collar.
● Owner’s Pet(s) will complete a behavioral assessment at Bella’s if requested by Bella’s.
whether caused by Owner or its Pet(s), other customers of Bella’s and/or their pet(s), or Bella’s or any employee, agent or owner of Bella’s, in the use of or presence at Bella’s, whether in the building or on the outdoor play area
Owner agrees to specifically assume all risk of injury, whether physical or mental, as well as all risk of loss, theft or damage of personal property for Owner, Owner’s Pet(s), spouse and children, while at Bella’s.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY. Owner waives any and all claims or actions that may arise against Bella’s, its successors, assigns, owners, directors employees or volunteers as a result of any injury, loss, theft or damage to Owner, Owner’s Pet(s), spouse or children, including and without limitation, personal bodily or mental injury, property damage or economic loss resulting from the negligence of Bella’s. Such waived negligence claims include but are not limited to any claims of negligence against Bella’s for (a) negligent design, construction, repair, maintenance, operation, supervision, monitoring; (b) negligent failure to warn of or remove a hazardous, unsafe, dangerous or defective condition; (c) negligent failure to provide or keep premises in a reasonably safe condition; (d) negligent provision or failure to provide emergency care; (e) negligent provision of services; and (f) negligent hiring, selection, training, instruction, certification, supervision, or retention of employees, independent contractors or volunteers; or (g) other negligent act(s) or omission(s).
INDEMNIFICATION. Owner shall indemnify and defend Bella’s and its officers, directors, employees, customers, agents, assigns and volunteers from any demand, claim obligation or cause of action, of any type whatsoever arising out of the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Owner, Owner’s Pet(s), spouse or children. This indemnification obligation includes the attorney fees and costs incurred by Bella’s as a result of such demand, claim, obligation or
cause of action. Owner understands and agrees that when dogs participate in dog social settings and group play there is an inherent risk of injury . Such inherent risks include but are not limited to: dog fights; and dog bites of humans or other dogs and the property damage, bodily injury, including permanent disability, sickness or death to human or dog.
Owner also understands and agrees that even though Owner’s Pet(s) has been immunized it is still possible for their Pet(s) to catch an illness while at Bella's. Owner understands and voluntarily accepts this risk.
PET BEHAVIOR. Owner acknowledges that pet behavior can be unpredictable and that their Pet(s) may behave differently at Bella’s than in their own home environment. Owner accepts full responsibility for their Pet(s)’s behavior while at Bella’s. If Owner’s Pet becomes aggressive or otherwise exhibits unacceptable behavior, they may be separated from other dogs and Bella’s may prohibit them from returning to Bella’s. Owner understands that Bella’s reserves the right to limit daycare, exercise services and social activity. Owner agrees to timely pick up their Pet(s) in the event Bella’s determines that their Pet(s)’s behavior is not acceptable.
MEDICAL TREATMENT. Owner also understands and agrees that if the Owner’s Pet(s) need to seek immediate medical treatment while staying at Bella’s due to such inherent risks stated above, the owner is responsible for any charges that would follow.
BELLA’S STAFF. Owner shall not employ, hire or solicit any present employee of Bella’s to perform any service offered by Bella’s. If Owner does so, employ, hire or solicit, they agree to pay Bella’s liquidated damages in the amount of $500.
AUTHORIZATION. Bella’s has installed webcams throughout its building and outdoor play yards. Owner hereby authorizes Bella’s to video or photograph the Owner, their Pet(s) and any member of owner’s family at Bella’s. Bella’s may use such video footage or photographs, along with the name of their Pet(s), in any form or format, for use at any time, for any purpose, including but not limited to: marketing; advertising; illustrations; trade or promotional materials.
CHARGES AND PAYMENTS. Owner is solely responsible for any and all services rendered at Bella’s and shall pay for all fees, services and products with Bella’s payment system, or in cash at the time of pick-up of their Pet(s) or products. Bella’s requires a fee to guarantee a reservation. For boarding, a 50% deposit is required. This deposit is non-refundable. The deposit will go towards the total of the Owner’s bill at pick up. Owner authorizes and agrees to pay for any additional services needed by their Pet(s) during their stay at Bella's, including but not limited to: extra staff time due to unruly behavior; treatment for medical issues; health related issues. Extra staff time is charged at the rate of $1.00 per minute with a minimum charge of $15.00. If someone other than Owner will be picking up
Owner’s Pet(s), Owner must provide Bella's with the identity of that person.
Owner hereby grants Bella's a lien on the Pet(s) for any and all unpaid charges resulting from services and products provided by Bella's. If Bella's incurs any costs or expenses as a result of Owner’s breach of this Agreement, Owner is responsible for payment of all of Bella's’s costs and expenses incurred as a result of that breach, including attorney fees. If Owner fails to pick up their Pet within 10 days of the agreed upon pick-up date, Bella's will consider the Pet abandoned and can dispose of the Pet in any lawful manner. Owner will be responsible for all expenses.
GENERAL. This Agreement shall be governed by Minnesota law and shall bind the parties, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement may not be amended or modified in any manner, other than a written amendment signed by both parties. If this Agreement shall, for any reason, be adjudged invalid, unenforceable, or void, the same shall not impair or invalidate any of the other provisions of this Agreement, all of which shall be performed in accordance with the respective terms.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and Bella's have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.